Saturday, October 17, 2009

Treasures Hidden in the Darkness

"And I will give you treasures hidden in the darkness-secret riches. I will do this so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who calls you by name." ~ Isaiah 45:3

This verse has meant so much over the last year. When I first read it, I knew it was something special, but I had no idea until I reached Guatemala in July of this year.

At the orphanage, I met Baby C. He was precious, and he reminded me of Gabriel. We arrived at the orphanage on a Saturday, and we went to church on Sunday. A few of us had the privilege of helping to take the babies to church. I was holding Baby C. as we were preparing to go, and one of the helpers asked if I would like to take him. What?! Me? Absolutely! They put a carrier on me, put him in it, and off we went. I was on cloud 9. I felt like I had won a precious gift. During the service, there was an experience that nearly brought me to my knees. As I stood holding Baby C. and singing praises, there was a moment that all time seemed to stand still. I was singing (trying to sing-it was in Spanish), and I looked down at Baby C. He was staring directly into my eyes. We held each other's gaze for a few moments. As I stared into his dark brown eyes, I remembered a devotion written by Steven Curtis Chapman. He talked about seeing Jesus in the face of an orphan. I got it. I knew exactly what Steven Curtis Chapman meant. I understood the call to care for orphans just a little more clearly. It felt as though I was holding and singing to Jesus. Baby C. went home with his parents the week we were at the orphanage. I couldn't help but compare his story to Gabriel's, as he too, went home with his parents. There is such joy in knowing that God has allowed you into the life of an orphan, and even greater joy to know they are able to return to loving parents. I thank God for allowing me to see these hidden treasures.