Thank you for our son and daughter. Thank you for caring for Gabriel John Kibrom and Ana Grace Feven until God chose to place them in our family's arms.
I want you to know...
Without Gabriel and Ana, I may have never known how ugly-black and tarred-my heart really is. For mothering two infants simultaneously has pushed me beyond my own-strength abilities.
Without Gabriel and Ana, I may have never known love is an action, not a warm fuzzy feeling. For mothering two children who have spent the first half year of their lives with someone else causes them not to trust and respond readily, and a mama loves anyway.
I never would have known that deep, true love is not biological. Love is God. God shows who He is and His love for us, by sending His Son to die for you, for me, for us. The only thing I give to Him is my sin. Any unselfish love I give, comes directly from Him.
Without Gabriel, I never would have known little hands that clasp behind my neck and legs pulled up tight in big mama hug.
Without Ana, I never would have known, a little eek of a twisted smile, with eyes all scrunched up, a look, just for her mama.
As my mind swirls with the possibility of adoptions in Ethiopia decreasing by 90%, this mama can offer no solutions, but I humbly ponder-
What if it was my child? What if it was Gabriel or Ana, lying in wait by the side of the road. What if it was Gabriel or Ana, waiting a turn to be held in the room full of infants. And what if it was my child, Gabriel, who has been so sick-needing breathing treatments, waiting in a place where there are no treatments? The reality is, it could be my child.
And I humbly ask-
What if it was your child?
We never know when God will place another precious child into our arms and ask us to raise (or him) her to love Him with all her heart, soul, and mind.
I take great comfort in knowing that our God is sovereign. He knows. Nothing takes Him by surprise. Nothing. I take great comfort in knowing He works ALL things for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.
I believe adoption to be a replica of our adoption as sons and daughters of God. And I am understanding more and more that satan hates anything that shows Who God is. God's Word says that "In love he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will-to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the one he loves." (Eph. 1:5,6) His Word also says that "...having believed you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God's possession-to the praise of his glory." (Eph. 1:13,14)
Jesus told us to pray and that if we have faith and do not doubt, we can move mountains.
Heavenly Father, for your Name's Sake and for Your Glory Alone, we bend our hearts and knees in submission to your will. Your will, Father, not ours be done. We have sinned against you. Each one. We are sorry for the ways we've not cared for orphans and widows and strangers. Please forgive us. Show us what to do, Father. We will be faithful to follow. We pray on behalf of the orphans in Ethiopia. You know each of them by name. You knew them in their mothers' wombs. We pray for wisdom and discernment for all leaders throughout the world who may influence the decisions of adoption cases, especially those in Ethiopia today. Father, thank you for adopting us as your children, never to be forsaken. You are good. You are Holy. You are the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. You are victorious. You are gracious and merciful, loving and kind, just and righteous. And one day, you will set all things right. Your kingdom come. Your will be done.
Abba Father, Not Ours, but Your Will Be Done. For your Name's sake. For your glory alone.
With humility, and Gratefulness, and love in Christ.
Angie J. Laubach
Mother of Ana Grace Feven Laubach and Gabriel John Kibrom Laubach